Challenge Information

Are you ready for a new challenge and the opportunity to earn some great BPA rewards?

Chapters are invited to complete the 10-10-10 Membership Challenge and earn rewards for completing one, two, or three of the challenges by the deadline February 15, 2025.

  • Recruit at least 10 more chapter members than the chapter’s 2023–2024 total.
  • Recruit at least 10 alumni members (former student members who graduated from BPA chapters). Alumni dues are $20 per year.
  • Recruit at least 10 professional members (individuals who believe in the work of BPA). Professional dues are $25 per year.


2024-2025 Membership Year Level (Categories Required)
Premier Level (Any 1 of the 10’s) Elite Level (Any 2 of the 10’s) Champion Level (All 3 of the 10’s)
Digital Certificate for the Chapter X X X
$25 Gift Certificate to the BPA Shop X        
$50 Gift Certificate to the BPA Shop     X X
One Free NLC Registration(advisor or student)     X X
TeamBPA Chapter Kit with Special Promotional Items(e.g., t-shirt, classroom pennant, mug, etc.)     X X
Special Recognition at NLC         X

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