BPA Cares Service Learning Individual Executive Director Award
Are You the Next Agent of Change for BPA?
Become an agent of change, make a difference in your community and be recognized for your service.
As an organization, Business Professionals of America has been committed to giving back to our local friends and neighbors for many years. Service learning is a catalyst that fosters lifelong civic engagement and development of ethical values, with the hopeful outcome of building stronger communities.
Service learning is a structured learning experience that provides Business Professionals of America students with the opportunity to meet academic objectives through community service. BPA students work with community partners to develop and implement projects to learn, develop skills and reflect on the value of the experience from a community and interpersonal perspective.
Each experience provides real value to the community while simultaneously providing a vehicle for students to develop their academic knowledge, 21st century skills, and a broader sense of social responsibility and community awareness.
Through strong community partnerships, your service learning experiences can make a lasting impact, not only in and around your local community, but with you as well.
All applicants must be in good standing with Business Professionals of America. This award is open to members in the Middle Level, Secondary and Post-secondary Divisions who provide a minimum of 500 hours of service learning to their community and have earned the President’s Volunteer Service Award within the same membership year.