Leadership Academy on Ethics
6-Week (Unit) Course
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Ethical leaders exist everywhere, in all walks of life. They are the individuals who step forward when crises occur, come to the rescue of others, and generally do what’s right, no matter what—even when it doesn’t benefit them personally. The key to becoming ethical leaders is being provided with opportunities to learn about, develop, and apply ethical leadership knowledge and skills firsthand.
During this six-week course, you will learn about ethics, ethical decision-making and the eight ethical principles that the Daniels Fund identifies as constant foundations – not relative to a specific situation – and that doing what is right prevails over self-interest when the two may appear to be in conflict. This journey will give you an opportunity to reflect on ethical dilemmas and use your newfound knowledge when making decisions.
Goals and Objectives:
The Leadership Course will provide online lessons designed to:
- increase student awareness of ethics and ethical principles
- facilitate student skill development in recognizing and addressing ethical dilemmas
- encourage creative thought, problem solving and ethical decision-making
- stimulate reflection on processes, performances, and outcomes.
Supplies Needed:
Each participant is encouraged to keep a notebook to document responses to activities and assignments throughout this six-week course. This will be beneficial to use when completing the reflection assignments.
This course is also the perfect preparation for the MBA Research Partner Competition on Ethics, which is your opportunity to build a team and compete for thousands of dollars in scholarships through an ethics awareness video creation competition.